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Pioneering a New Era of Talent Attraction, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Aerospace (or any) Industry: Harnessing the Power of AI

In an ever-evolving world, the aerospace industry stands at the forefront of technological advancements, pushing boundaries and exploring the unknown. But while the industry has soared to incredible heights, there remains a pressing need for progress when it comes to talent attraction, diversity, and inclusion.

As an aspiring leader in the aerospace industry, I am thrilled to incorporate new AI technologies to create innovative solutions that can help us overcome these barriers. By combining the power of artificial intelligence with our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we can revolutionise the way we attract talent and foster an inclusive culture.

Did you know approximately 80% of Australian organisations and 83% of organisations in the USA either currently have a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy, or are implementing one this year.

But where do we start?!

Creating a Culture of Inclusion:

As I embrace the potential of AI, I am excited about the possibilities it brings to create a culture of inclusion within the aerospace industry, and within my own company for that matter. AI algorithms can help identify and mitigate unconscious bias in hiring processes, ensuring fair and unbiased selection. By utilising AI-powered analytics, we can gain insights into our workforce demographics and pinpoint areas where we need to enhance diversity and inclusion efforts. These technologies can also facilitate real-time feedback and training opportunities to promote a more inclusive workplace environment.

Attracting Talent: Beyond Traditional Boundaries:

Wearing both my recruiter hat, and my CEO hat, I know that with the help of AI technologies, we can break free from traditional recruitment methods and expand our reach to attract diverse talent. AI algorithms can assist in scanning a wider range of resumes and candidate profiles, ensuring that we don’t miss out on exceptional individuals from underrepresented backgrounds. By using AI-powered recommendation systems, we can proactively identify potential candidates who may not have been on our radar before. This enables us to build a stronger and more diverse workforce that truly reflects the global community.

Identifying beyond a resume or boolean string search:

As an advocate for diversity and inclusion, I am passionate about exploring innovative ways to highlight transferable skills and experiences that may not fit traditional aerospace industry criteria. I firmly believe that candidates who are “outside the box on paper” can bring immense value to the industry by utilising their transferable skills to meet the requirements and excel in aerospace roles.

By harnessing the power of AI technology, we can identify and unlock the potential of these candidates, ensuring that their unique backgrounds and experiences are recognised and valued. Together, we can redefine what it means to “tick the boxes” and create a more inclusive and dynamic aerospace workforce.

Empowering Women in Aerospace:

As we strive to empower women in the aerospace industry, AI can play a significant role in breaking down barriers and creating opportunities. AI-powered mentorship platforms can match aspiring female aerospace professionals with experienced mentors, fostering connections and providing guidance. Additionally, virtual reality simulations powered by AI can offer immersive training experiences, empowering women to gain hands-on experience in traditionally male-dominated fields. By using AI technologies, we can level the playing field and inspire more women to pursue careers in aerospace.

Addressing Unconscious Bias:

AI technologies can and will continue to provide us with the tools to address unconscious bias within all industries. Machine learning algorithms can help identify patterns of bias in decision-making processes, shedding light on areas where interventions are needed. More than just using AI to remove gender from resumes prior to shortlisting and/or ensuring documents use gender-neutral language we can also use AI to analyse language and interactions in the workplace… we can use this technology to detect and address bias incidents, creating a more inclusive environment for all.

Furthermore, AI can provide ongoing bias training and reminders, helping individuals become more aware of their biases and take action to mitigate them.

Collaboration for Collective Impact:

The transformative potential of AI technologies can only be fully realised through collaboration. I am enthusiastic about working with industry stakeholders, AI experts, and diversity advocates to develop and implement AI solutions that drive progress in talent attraction, diversity, and inclusion. By sharing knowledge, data, and best practices, we can collectively overcome challenges and amplify the impact of our efforts. Together, we can shape a future where AI is harnessed to create a more equitable and inclusive aerospace industry.

As a leader, voice and entrepreneur in the recruitment and the aerospace industry, I am not only passionate about talent attraction, diversity, and inclusion but also excited to leverage new AI technologies to drive progress in these areas.

Let us embrace the possibilities that AI brings, knowing that by combining innovation with our dedication to diversity and inclusion, we can shape a future where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive in the aerospace industry.

Together, we can pioneer a new era of talent attraction, diversity, and inclusion, setting the standard for excellence in the global aerospace community.

If you’re interested in working together to create a diverse and inclusive workplace, I invite you to reach out to me, Lara Gebka. Together, let’s build an aerospace industry that celebrates and harnesses the power of talent from all backgrounds.

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